Friday, July 20, 2012


     In learning process there are the three part of information which is the sensory registers that receive the big information from the senses and holds it for every short time for initial processing to the short-term memory. Short-term memory is the amount of information to organize and keep good of connecting to other information. And the Long-term memory keeps information for long period of time and organization with information that is already known. According to klausmeir learning occur as the individual develops the learner to the higher level that build successively on lower skills. As a learner you must organize all important information to be learned and develop the skills of learners in forming images of information they encounter. Learning is not the end of time because every situation of our life learning is always process or remain in our mind. Every student learns about the topic for discussion in the teacher that we tackled in the class. So that, learning process is important in our life.

     While the meaningful learning theory by ausubel the theory where an individual learns by relating newly acquired information to what the learner already knows. That every individual relating about the new information in every situation in the learning activities that he had. It’s involves a complex interaction within individuals and the environment and intervening variables in which he loves. Learning is a process of acquiring, remembering, and applying knowledge, skills, attitudes and other modes of response. It refers to the outcomes or results of an experience, knowledge and understanding, abilities and skills, habits and attitudes. Learning theory is important every day that we encounter the experiences in our life every people or student have learning in every moves of our mind.

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